The Dead Sea is a salt lake that is located between Jordan and Israel. It is the lowest dry land elevation on Earth at 1,388 ft below sea level. The Dead Sea is known world-wide for its extremely salt-rich waters which contain a huge amount of minerals and remedial mud. These are all on account of the depth of the sea, the exclusive solar radiation in the area, high pressure and mineral fountains which in turn create the salt-rich water.
Why are Dead Sea products used to treat acne?
The minerals and ions found in the Dead Sea water manipulate cell development and metabolism. The minerals found in the sea effectively hydrate, energize and nourish the skin. They leave the skin healthier and refreshed. A common problem with other acne care products is that they tend to dry out and irritate the skin. Dead Sea products provide minerals that are essential for the skin, provide relief from acne and simultaneously ensure the premium moisture level for your skin.
It has been medically proven by several studies that Dead Sea acne treatments, in the form of salts, minerals and mud, are an effective way of treating acne.
Boron: balances estrogen and testosterone levels in the body as well as being essential for hormones in bone metabolism. These are both factors that are directly connected to acne. Those with boron deficiencies tend to suffer from sleeping difficulties, pain in the bones, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal problems, extreme menstrual cramps, backache, muscle pains and an emphasized vitamin D deficiency. All these problems are possible causes of acne.
Bromide: is known to help cure and relieve a number of skin disorders, in the main acne.
Calcium: is vital for blood clotting. It also prevents infections of the skin and aids metabolism in skin cells. It is also essential in cleansing pores. Altogether it provides a full acne treatment solution.
Potassium: decreases plates in arteries, helps the adrenal glands to function, can prevent osteoporosis, strokes and kidney stones. All these factors are possible causes of acne breakouts.
In the case of a lack of potassium that are also responsible for acne are hypertension, constipation, poor reflexes, to name but a few.
All in all, it is clear that apart from effectively treating acne, the Dead Sea minerals and salts also prevent and treat other ailments. For all those living outside of Israel, fear not, there are countless top-quality products available on the market for you to order and enjoy from the comfort of your home.
H&B Dead Sea Acne Lotion

A natural concentrate, enriched with Dead Sea minerals for topical treatment of wounds on face and body skin, soothes and dries the wound without leaving skin marks, suitable for drying acne.
Buy H&B Dead Sea Acne Lotion